„Kantaten” is a choreographic performance dedicated to the relationship between humans and non human others in the contemporary world....

KPO & Next Generation EU stipend
[ENG] Over the last 6 months I have been realising a dance and movement research stipend as part of KPO grant for the arts. Generously...

Tale Of Snakes Heart - Teatr Stary
"The tale of the snakes heart" had a premiere at the National Theatre Krakow in November 2022. Directed by Beniamin Bukowski and...

Opera "Manekiny" - Opera Wrocławska
A new commission from Wroclaw Opera made in collaboration with director and visual artist Kamila Siwinska. Choreography by Kasia Witek....

Solastalgia - London Premiere
Solastalgia is a new dance performance that responds to the climate emergency that we face today, fostering emotional resilience, hope...

Solastalgia - creation period
During the summer 2022 we have been officially closing the first research stage for "Solastalgia". A piece which we've begun to make in...

Upcoming creation & workshops
As we have been hibernating throughout the pandemic year of 2020 I am incredibly excited to announce we have now confirmed new dates for...

Augmented Reality - moving live performance onto the screen
Our site-specific live performance project "Memory Score" is moving into Augmented Reality. Together with the FestiValt team and with the...

"Memory Score" a new commission from FestivAlt in Krakow (Poland)
I am thrilled to announce this new choreographic commission from FestivAlt (Krakow, Poland). The work is made in a collaboration with...

ACE funding
I am incredibly happy and humbled to be awarded ACE grant for our new duet work. "To split a glassy grain of water" will roll into its...